06, May 2024

Conserve Water and Protect Your Septic Tank

A septic system can give us years of service without any problems if it is taken care of properly. Septic maintenance isn’t something that a lot of homeowners are familiar with. So, knowing how conserving water can affect your septic tank is something that only a few would know. To inform everyone about these concepts, we gathered some information. Throughout this article, we will go over how wastewater flows through the septic tank, how water is conserved to help the tank work more efficiently, general maintenance rules, and how Septic Blue can help. So, let’s get started.

The Way Waste Water Flows Through A Septic Tank

Waste inside the septic tank can be divided into a few layers. The first ones are the heavy solids that fall to the bottom of the tank and get decomposed. Anything that is less dense than them like fat and oil floats on top of them. This forms another layer. The third layer in between these layers is the wastewater. Water usage plays an important role in the separation and flow out. If you use a lot of water to flush it down your drains, it will empty the drainfield quicker. In the next section, we will learn more about the effects of conserving water.

Conserving Water

If you have a septic system, conserving water is not just a suggestion, it's a necessity. It might seem that using more water allows the septic system to treat wastewater more effectively. However, the reality is that excessive water usage hampers the bacteria's ability to treat the water. As we've discussed earlier, if you want all the layers in your septic tank to be properly treated as wastewater, water conservation is key. Contact Septic Blue today for professional septic tank cleaning.

Septic Tank Maintenance

Inspection and septic tank pumping are the two main ways of septic tank maintenance. It is recommended that an average household has their septic tank inspected once every three years by an experienced technician. This inspection would involve checking the mechanical components, electrical float switches, and pumps. As for the septic tank pumping, many factors can change how often a septic tank has to be pumped. Anything that will affect the bacteria layer that forms on the bottom of the trenches can increase the thickness of the biomat and, thereby, require the pumping to be done more frequently. If you would like to learn more about maintenance services in general or pumping, contact a septic company today.

Septic Blue, The Septic Experts At Your Service

Are you looking for septic experts in your area who can help you solve any problems you may be having with your septic tank? At Septic Blue, we are dedicated to fixing the problem right the first time. With our experienced technicians, affordable service, and upfront pricing, septic tank installation has never been easier. Call us today to learn more about us and our services, or get estimates for your next septic tank repair.

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