18, Dec 2022

Tips for First Time Septic Tank Owners

People who are new to owning septic tanks frequently have questions about how their tank works, what septic tanks need to keep working properly, and what a septic tank that is failing looks like. You can take better care of your septic tank and avoid costly and aggravating issues by knowing the answers to these questions.

Know Where Your Tank Is Located

This may appear to be obvious, but we receive a lot of calls for septic maintenance from homeowners who are unaware of their tank's size or the location of the tank opening. Ask the current owners for the septic records or house blueprints when you're looking to buy a house so you can learn more about the system. Knowing where the system is is also very important if you want to build an addition to the house. Because the roots of trees and shrubs can seriously harm the pipes in your septic system, you should also exercise caution when landscaping in the area around your system.

Keep Track of Services

Most septic reviews incorporate septic tank pumping so you realize the tank was empty before you moved in. If you're renting and don't know when your system was last serviced or if you're not sure if the tank was pumped out, we highly recommend scheduling a site visit with a septic company to have the system looked at by a professional and pumped out if necessary.

Take Care of Your Septic System

It's critical to take care of your septic system. Health and safety issues may arise if the system is not properly maintained. Because septic systems store the wastewater from your home, if they start to leak or break down, all of those smells and bacteria will be released into the air and could reach back into your house as well. Let's talk about some things you can do to avoid these problems.

  • Pump and inspect your septic tank frequently. Your septic tank should be inspected and septic tank pumping should be performed on a regular basis every two to three years. This guarantees that your septic system is operating properly.
  • Reduce your home's water consumption. The amount of water waste that needs to be pushed through your septic system is reduced when you use water in your home in an efficient manner. The likelihood of a problem increases with the amount of waste and water pushed through your system.
  • Pay attention to what you put down your drains. Unforgiving synthetic substances, food waste, and oil/oils can influence your septic framework.
  • Pay attention to your drain field. Plant grass or plants with shallow roots around the area to help drain any excess water. Additionally, you should make certain that no one is driving on or near your septic system because this can damage it.

Contact Us

To keep things running smoothly, proper care and maintenance are required, just like they are for any other utility. Contact Septic Blue if you need to schedule your annual septic pumping, buy or sell a home with a septic system, or do anything else. We’re a reliable septic company that won’t let you down.

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